Group of Children in Art Class

About the North Carolina Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) System

Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) programs have provided essential services in North Carolina for more than 50 years. The North Carolina CCR&R Council has organized the CCR&R system into 14 regional lead agencies and 62 local agencies to provide consistency to these essential services across the state for more than 20 years.

CCR&R ServicesThe CCR&R CouncilHow do CCR&R Services work?
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How do CCR&R services work across the state?

CCR&R services are available in every county in North Carolina to ensure consistent access to services.

  • North Carolina’s 100 counties are grouped into 14 regions, with CCR&R services overseen by one of 14 Regional Lead Agencies.
  • The Regional Lead Agencies work with the local CCR&R agencies to provide services in their region.
  • There are more than 60 local CCR&R agencies, located in both private and nonprofit organizations, Smart Start Partnerships and a variety of public agencies.

Services are primarily funded through the NC Division of Child Development, Smart Start and other private foundations and corporations.


Find out how CCR&R agencies make an impact.

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