Mother and toddler drawing

Healthy Social Behaviors Project (HSB)

Supporting teachers to promote healthy social-emotional development and reduce the expulsion rate among young children in licensed child care centers across North Carolina.


The Healthy Social Behaviors Project (HSB) was established in 2005 to address behavioral issues in young children through services that help to identify, prevent and modify challenging behaviors, with the goal of reducing the expulsion rate and promoting healthy social-emotional development for all children in NC licensed child care centers.

We support North Carolina DCDEE-licensed child care centers serving children ages 0 to 5 years old, including NC Pre-K Classrooms, Early Head Start and Head Start Programs, Developmental Day Programs and GS 110-106 centers, focusing on teacher practices that can calm challenging behaviors.

  • Research shows that between the ages of 2 and 5 the brain is primed and ready to learn to manage impulses and emotions.
  • Between 10-25% of young children display challenging behavior inappropriate for their developmental level. Teachers now report that children’s disruptive behavior is the single biggest challenge they face in the classroom.
  • In North Carolina, 15% of pre-kindergarten teachers expelled at least one child over the past year.

The HSB team focuses on providing teachers with the information and support they need to hone their knowledge of:

  • Managing and Expressing Emotions
  • Offering Directions
  • Making Positive Choices
  • Using Problem Solving Strategies
  • Group Participation
  • Positive Sense of Self
  • Taking Turns & Sharing
  • Self-Control
  • Respecting Family Culture

Our team is made up of specialists with early childhood education backgrounds who are passionate about empowering teachers to develop learning environments and teaching practices that promote prosocial skills in young children. Our statewide team includes behavior specialists, fidelity coaches and an education specialist, covering all 100 counties in North Carolina.

The HSB Project is funded by the North Carolina Department of Child Development and Early Education (NCDCDEE) and is managed by Child Care Resources Inc. (CCRI).

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